5 Game-Changing Benefits of High Quality Product Photography

5 Game-Changing Benefits of High Quality Product Photography

93% of online shoppers say that imagery and overall visual appearance is the determining factor in a purchase decision. 

According to Justuno, majority of consumers agree that a brand's visuals play a huge role in their decision to buy. In fact, a recent Etsy buyer survey revealed that 'quality of images' is the number one influence on shoppers when making a purchase, above cost of item and reviews.

Just stop and think about this for a second because it is mind blowing! 90% of consumers listed imagery as an "extremely important" influence when purchasing, whereas only 73% said the same for reviews. This means that having high quality product photography is more crucial to conversion rates than customer reviews - wow!

But wait, there's more. If this alone wasn't enough to convince you of the importance of product photography, the following game-changing benefits it can have on your business most certainly will!

1. High quality photography builds trust and authority.

Consistent, quality imagery creates a sense of trust with your audience as it makes your business appear more reputable and genuine. 

Beauty Products Photoshoot on Nude Backdrop

2. It allows you to display product quality and features in a captivating way.

Product photography is the perfect way to display all the intricate details and features of your product. You can tell stories and communicate messages about the type of person who uses the product, the lifestyle they are in, their hobbies etc without actually having to list it in the description.

3.  High quality product imagery = higher rate of conversions.

The higher quality and more trust worthy your brand appears, the more likely customers are to buy from you. If a consumer is on the fence about making a purchase, seeing beautiful, high quality visuals will be the factor that pushes them to convert.

Digestible Collagen Beauty Product Photography Pink Backdrop

4. It builds a strong brand image.

Having consistent high quality imagery across your website and socials creates cohesion and a strong, reliable image for your brand. A strong image and aesthetic is a must for differentiating your brand in the market and achieving long-term success.

5. It creates interest, appeal and attracts larger audiences.

It's a no-brainer that consumers are more attracted to an elevated brand image that looks and feels authentic, high quality and reliable. Attracting more of these followers increases reach and eventually, revenue.

Valentines day themed beauty photoshoot


And there you have it! The 5 game-changing benefits of using high quality product photography.

If you have any questions about anything you've read above, or how you can implement these in your business, please feel free to drop us a line and we would love to help!

 - G x

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